Jerry Lou Hames

Stephanie, Jerry and Wanda in 2004

In November 2004 I wrote the following letter to my family, friends and Co-workers:

What do I know? I know what we, My family, are to do: move near Wanda’s parents. That also answers where.

Why? Wanda needs to honor her parents, particularly her mother. I believe this is how God is calling me to love my wife at this point in time. This also answers the who question. Who? God the Father has told us to honor and love. So, to serve God and bring glory to Him, we will leave all the comfort and ease we have known for the last fourteen years. We will move to a place where we have no guarantees, only God our Lord.

When? Well, we will do this now! Here is what the future holds, the Promise that Alzhiemer’s has for us: We will loose Jerry a little bit each day. This is the promise of God: In that loss God will hold us in the palm of His hand, cover us with His wings. Knowing that He holds on to every part of Jerry that we no longer see.

We will no doubt cry out to Him”WHY??!!!”. We will wish for a quick and comforting answer. It will be this, “I Am with you”. Just as Jesus was moved in the Spirit at Mary’s sorrow over Lazarus, He also weeps with us, no words only His tears. “See how He Loved” her? Just as he was not weeping for His friend Lazarus, He is not weeping for her. He weeps with us at our temporary loss. She is not gone from Him. She is complete more complete than she ever could be here, lacking nothing. Praise Jesus!

I am writing this down now not for you, but for us, my family. We will not have the strength to hear Him speak in the mist of tears. Too full of sorrow, seeing only what is before us, loss, loss. This loss that will seem permanent, at the time. We will see only glimpses of sunshine through the clouds of sorrow. Hope will come as He weeps with us and for us.


August 6th 2010 around 10pm, Jerry Lou was made complete and whole. She dances and worships before the throne of the Father.

Services will be held at Owen Funeral Home
12 Collins Drive
Cartersville GA 30120


Visitation  8-9-2010  5pm-7pm
Funeral    8-10-2010 12pm
Moves to the GA National Cemetery  at 1:30pm

In lieu of flowers please make donations to:
The Alzheimer’s Association Dalton Chapter In Memory of Jerry Lou Hames.
922 East Morris Street
Dalton, GA 30721

One Response to “Jerry Lou Hames”

  1. Lynn and Linda Walker Says:

    Randy, Wanda, and family,
    From our very first breath to our very last, we all share the same journey and follow multiple paths to our ultimate destination towards what we call death. And so it is for those of left behind. Grief is the most powerful emotion. Only God can get you through and He will. In time, God’s time, the clock will tick again, the numbness will subside, and the waves of grief will change, bringing joyful, healing memories instead. Therein we come to know that it is not death at all. For those of left behind, it too is life everlasting within our hearts, souls, and spirits.
    Love and light dear friends,
    Lynn and Linda Walker

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